Jun 13, 2009

Cream Tea

Clotted cream, strawberry jam, fresh made scones and friends with big appetites!

Mar 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Princess C

Q. What's the difference between a Black Forest Cake and a Black Forest Gâteau?
A. Nothing - except that the English try to make a German cake sound fancy by calling it 'cake' in French, instead of say calling it by it's German name Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte...

Mar 12, 2009

Baking Update

Oh don't think just coz we haven't updated that we haven't been baking! We've had some failed attempts at green tea macarons. The first batch went straight into the bin, the second batch looks like green shit but tasted ok. Don't think we even bothered to take pics of either batches, but stay tuned we will succeed!

Black Forest cake was also on the baking agenda for Princess C's b'day. Pics and review to come!

Feb 17, 2009

Sunday Morning Madeleines

First item off the list!

Gordon supervises with his mouth shut

Ooh la lah!

Feb 5, 2009

Red Velvet Cupcakes

So Princess C found a fab video of the Red Velvet cupcakes recipe by Magnolia Bakery right here
Mr Smith you have been warned - you might come home and find Princess C and Queen B bouncing off the walls from all the red food colour (higher than the normal levels of hyperness!)

Feb 4, 2009

Now taking baking requests...

All baking requests will be considered...send in your requests now


Spotted: a sexy new red silicon Madeline pan in Princess C's baking drawer.
Princess C can't wait to make her first batch, using a proper French recipe of course, afterall she was raised half French!

Crunchy Jewels Cake Balls

Spotted: Miss T making funny noises over these Crunchy Jewels cake balls on the NY Daily Candy website. According to Daily Candy these cake balls are Red velvet cake crumbled into cream cheese frosting, rolled in chocolate, and dusted with coconut. The Baking Bitches are ready to add these jewels to The List!

You know you love me.
